Omega Builders has been a leading homebuilder in Central Texas for 55 years

Discover Affordable Luxury with our unparalleled value, reliability, and superior performance. Built with Purpose and with you in mind, we invite you to see why Omega Builders continues to be the top choice for affordable new homes.


Up To $40,000
in Incentives

To Apply Towards:
Fixed Rates as Low as 4.75%, Closing Costs, Upgrades & Appliances

Incentives vary per community and apply to select homes only. Fixed rate inventive available for qualified buyers through select preferred lender. Terms and conditions apply. This offer/promotion can be changed, removed, or rejected at any time without notice or penalty.

Popular Floor Plans


4 Bds | 3 Ba | 1789 SqFT | 2 Car.


5 Bds | 3 Ba | 2924 SqFT | 2 Car.


4 Bds | 3 Ba | 2300 SqFT | 3 Car.


3 Bds | 2 Ba | 1404 SqFT | 2 Car.

Where We Build:

We build just north of Austin and just south of Waco. We have new homes in the Fort Cavazos surrounding areas, such as Belton and Temple, and we also build in Bryan and College Station.

About Our Homes:

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Discover Affordable Luxury™

Modern amenities meet functional design in our homes.
We are focused on quality craftsmanship, affordability, and continuously improving the way we build.

What Our Customers Say

David went above and beyond with making sure my home was perfect. When I moved in and my dryer didn’t work he came over and changed the wire on my dryer so it would work. Such a nice guy and excellent customer service.

Alexandria H. | Homeowner Avid Survey
Alexandria H.

Alexandria H.

Homeowner Avid Survey

Everyone at Omega has been great to deal with. Cab was exceptional during the buying process and is responsive post closing as well. Would recommend to anyone looking in the Temple/Belton area.

Zachary S. | Homeowner Avid Survey
Zachary S.

Zachary S.

Homeowner Avid Survey